Saturday, October 18, 2014

Teek Tock

Poor little punk woke up one morning and was all swollen, don't know what happened.
 I was visiting teaching and Teek wanted to hold the iguana. He was kind of scared of it, it was clawing him so he didn't want to touch it.
 Teek is obsessed with wearing his church shirt over his clothes, he calls it his lab coat. The other day he had one on when he got dressed for school but I made him take it off. Well the next day When he got off the bus he had it on, but I know he didn't leave for school wearing it, so he must have hid it in his backpack. :)
 Our home teacher is a cop and he lets TK play with his badge. The other day I asked TK if he was going to be good when grows up and he was like, "Cops can't be bad, Mom"
 This kid loves his big brother so much.
 Just some randoms
Like father like son.
We were at the doctors and  T.K. was doing this with the glove and saying, "Look, Mom." I said, "T.K. don't put the middle finger up." He said, "I'm not, putting the middle finger up, I'm putting the other fingers down." How can you argue with that level of genius?
One last TK random...
  He was messing around on my phone, and taking pictures and he looks at me and says, " Mom, say organic cheese."