Monday, October 20, 2014

Freedom Academy

Dropping Russell off at Freedom Academy.
July 27-August 1
The Utah National Guard and the Honorary Colonels Corps has sponsored Freedom Academy since 1961. 
Freedom Academy teaches our young leaders the importance of freedom, that it does come with a price, and leadership is essential to its survival.

Highlights of Freedom Academy Week:

  • State Prison tour - includes a discussion with a prisoner panel.
  • State Capitol tour - delegates meet the Governor, Speaker of the House and Senate President.
  • Tour of the Federal Courts.
  • Tour of Utah Air National Guard Base and a local news station.
  • Flag retirement ceremony, shooting range, speech contest, talent show, rappelling and zip line.
  • Graduation program at the conclusion of the week.

Teaching Young Leaders About Freedom

The Utah National Guard and the Honorary Colonels Corps has sponsored the annual Freedom Academy since 1961. The purpose of Freedom Academy is to teach our young leaders the importance of all aspects of freedom-that freedom does come with a price and that it is every American citizen's responsibility to ensure freedom is there for generations to come.

Who Participates

Over the past 50 years, more than 3,400 "delegates" have participated in this unique and historic program. When Freedom Academy started in 1961, four delegates attended that inaugural year; in 2011, there were 105 delegates.
There are approximately 117 high schools throughout the state of Utah; this includes charter, private and public schools. Each year Freedom Academy invites two student-body officers from each high school senior class. There are a number of schools, more so in the outlying areas of the state, where students run for student government because they know this will ensure the opportunity to attend Freedom Academy the following year. As the Utah National Guard is the host for this program, they have also allowed its members to invite family members, neighbors or friends who meet the criteria of a student leader to attend.

Who Contributes

Over the past 50 years there have been a number of sponsors that have donated goods and/or services contributing to the success of the program. The Honorary Colonels Corp of Utah is a major contributor. The Wangelin family, whose son attended Freedom Academy, joined the National Guard and later passed away, donated a substantial amount of money to Freedom Academy in their son's name. Coca-Cola, Wilkinson's Trophy, Sam's Club, Associated Food Stores, Macey's, Hostess and the men and women of the Utah Army and Air National Guard are all contributors.
There have been numerous individuals who have donated their personal time to share their experiences with these young leaders of America. Mr. Scott Anderson has been a main stay as one of the keynote speakers for more than 18 years. Former Senator, Astronaut, and Air Force Brigadier General Jake Garn also shares his experiences each year. Others include Mr. Mike Schlappi, Mr. Thurl Bailey, Mr. Lavar Christensen, Vocalocity and countless numbers of Soldiers and Airmen sharing their deployed stories about freedom.

How Much It Costs

Freedom Academy covers the cost for each delegate to attend, free of charge, and the average yearly cost to run the Academy is approximately $10,000.

Dropping Russell off at Freedom Academy. He was not real excited to go, but Rick made him. It's kind of hard to get into and the kids that usually go are student body officers but, Rick has some pull. He helped organize it a few years and he is friends with the guy organizing it on this year.
Learning about drones. They are like 2 million a piece. He said it was pretty amazing to see.
Confidence course.
This guy spoke at the graduation and he was amazing. A little annoying at first but I ended up in tears several times.
 Saying goodbye to friends after graduation.
 Sgt. Salizar, this guy was Russell's favorite.
Russell got stung while out there. :( He got stung right before going to the prison and with there being like six prison doors you have to go through, that lock down, they were worried about him going through all of them and then having an allergic reaction and not being able to get out fast enough, so he had to stay out for awhile.
Someone from Rick's work gave this to him and had him bring it home to Russ. She was kinda his best friend there.
Salizar Russell liked best gave him this coin and one of his favorite things all week was learning about refueling mid-air.