Friday, October 17, 2014

Park City

Our new favorite hotel, the Summit Watch Marriott. 
We had so much room in this place. the girls loved the window benches on each side of the fireplace and wanted that to be their beds, so they could look out at the city. Ryker got his own bed (usually he sleeps on 2 armchairs pushed together), Rick and I had our own Room, Russell had his own room and T.K. slept on the pullout in Russell's room.
They do such a good job with entertainment here, there is yoga classes, chess tournaments, air hockey, table tennis, games, X-box, Wii, puzzles, shuffle board, basketball, tether-ball etc. and they do all sorts of fun classes for the kids that you can pay a few bucks for.
 T.K. loves hot tubs and this place has 4 of them. He kept busy bouncing around from hot tub to hot tub.
 Watching the kids swim.
Always with the handstand contests. 
 Jade loves Park City, being in the out of doors.

 Shuffle board 
 I think Ryker is winning.
 Big chess
 Park Silly Sunday Market
We love walking around the market and seeing the performers, shopping and eating.
We gave them a tip more for their sign than their playing (j/k, poor Justin Bieber, can we all agree to stop bullying him please).

Red Banjo
 Miner's Park
This chick was great! 
 T.K. wasn't that into the music. He started collecting ants and saying the were his pets. I have a funny video of Russell grabbing one off his arm and eating it and TK getting all sad about it.
 Down the road at the farmers market, listening to some more live music.
 Stopping to look at some puppies.
 Rick has no problem saying no to the other 4 kids but TK is a different story. He wanted a Popsicle and Dad got it for him.
 Taking the lift to the Alpine Slide. 
 Look what came walking out under us...
T.K. wouldn't ride alone and he wouldn't ride with anyone but me. Ryker was too scared and waited at the bottom for us. He regretted it afterwards.m :( It was sooooo, NOT scary.