Shooting for family night.
Russell on the .22
T.K. was so funny, we were trying to get him to shoot and he was like, "No, I'm not doing that. I'll shoot my eye out, I know I will." How freaking cute is he? Love this kid.
He did have a ton of fun shooting the air-soft gun and eventually did end up shooting the big guns.
Rick on the M-4, he's such a stud. He hits everything.
Expert Marksman!
Russ teaching Ryker to shoot the .22.
Rick teaching Jade to shoot the M-4, he was shocked, she hit her first two targets dead on.
Ryker on the M-4, he did great. He hit most of his targets also.
Russ is a pretty dang good shot.
Brooke did NOT want to shoot, she was scared, but Rick made her. She hit her first target, first try and then handed Rick the gun, and was like, "K, I'm done." Rick made her shoot a little more. :)
All our targets.
I did pretty dang good also, I hit my first two targets, first try.

Jade on the shot gun and my .38 special, she had so much fun, she wanted to try all the guns.

Rick was shooting and Russell was standing by him, the shells from Rick's gun, flew out and fell down Russell's shirt. He was jumping around like crazy and screaming. These are a few of the burns on his neck.
Misery loves company, so Jade needed to be in pain too. :)
These two are always fighting.
Rick and Ryker on the handgun.
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