Biker babe
Me and my SIL's How cute is Kelsey's belly being doubled as a crystal ball? Alicia's always decked out.
Little Lola matched us perfectly so we had to get a shot with her.
Everyone hard at work on their pumpkins.


Looks like the pumpkin paining was successful.
Cave woman! Find meat, eat meat grrr!
Snagged me a wee little scallywag!
Shiver me timbers, this we little lass has taken off with some of me gold!
Grandma and the girls.
Grandma and the goons.
Isn't he SO cute! I was so proud of his cute little owl.
Matt and his GIANT pumpkin.
I handed Coupe a gold coin before realizing he didn't know what to do with it. He popped it in too fast and chewed up the foil and all.
Biker Bookie Boo, swinging in the hammock.

We celebrated Kelsey's birthday while we were together. 30 years old, Happy Birthday, Kels!
We all went in a car-seat for her.
Scary story telling time.
Grandpa slipped on his costume during Rick's story and stood behind us to try and freak us out.
Kels joined the boys in the fun and told a couple of stories with Addie.
After stories, we put on Hocus Pocus for the kids and the adults (with Addie and Brooke) played Loaded Question. It was a good time, we ended in laughing hysterics.
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