I had read some good stuff about using cocoa to brush your teeth so I made up a big jar and I love it. I Have already been doing coconut pulling for a couple of years so this wasn't much of a stretch. All it is, is coconut oil, cocoa powder, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, clove oil and baking soda. I wanted to use the jar my activated charcoal powder came in but it wasn't finished so it has some of that in it also.
Chocolate Toothpaste Works Better Than Fluoride
A recent study presented at the American Dental Association (ADA) 2013 Annual Session pitted fluoride toothpaste against a new toothpaste that contains the naturally-occurring cacao extract theobromine.This test determined which product better repaired and re-mineralized exposed dentin (the tissue that makes up the bulk of your teeth below the enamel). Exposed dentin is a leading cause of tooth hypersensitivity.The results showed that patients who brushed their teeth with the cacao-extract toothpaste twice a day for one week had "100 percent dental occlusion" with their tooth dentin becoming re-mineralized or repaired. According to a press release:1"The comparison to toothpastes containing fluoride - one as much as 5,000 ppm [parts per million] - validates what our research has shown all along: that Rennou [the cocoa extract] … is more effective and safer than fluoride, which can be toxic if ingested."Past research has also shown that the chocolate ingredient theobromine works better than fluoride. When lesions in artificial enamel were treated with theobromine, remineralization occurred at a greater rate than when they were treated with fluoride.2 The study found, in fact, that theobromine made teeth less vulnerable to bacterial acid erosion that could lead to cavities
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