Thursday, March 5, 2015

Black Friday 2014

We started the day off with several good shopping hours under our belts. We tried eating at Red Iguana but it was too busy so we stopped at this Mexican restaurant and then ended up leaving because it was too expensive and fancy for kids but Brooke wanted a picture in front of their cool truck.
Family fun, swimming.
 This is not a great picture but I loved my Teekie flying through the air, jumping in the pool to make a basket. He loves staying in hotel's and he particularly loves the hot tub, he could play in the water for hours and hours.
  Rick and Matt could never pass up an opportunity to compete at something, anything, so they spent the bulk of their time playing with each other instead of the children, having handstand competitions and such. It even got slightly physical as you can see by the huge scratch on Matt's chest in the picture below.
 Okay, to be fair, they did play with kids...which is more than I can say for myself. :)