Monday, October 20, 2014

School's Starting

T.K. taking a break from all the school shopping to ride the train.
 Rick taking a break from spending money to shove T.K. in some lockers. 
 Dinner at the Pie Pizzeria after a long day of shopping. 
 Another day, another school shopping trip. The whole family rode bikes to Kohl's. My bike didn't have brake's and it was extremely scary but alas I did not crash, but Russell did. :( It was kinda tricky riding home with a bunch of huge bags but Russell managed to carry a bunch even in his broken state and Rick hauled the rest.
 Some cute baby deer we happened upon, coming back into the neighborhood.
 T.K. doing his kindergarten assessment.  
 T.K.'s teacher gave him this cute little poem to read the night before school started.
 T.K. laying down to sleep in his glitter mess. :)
 Driving Jade to her first day of school. She is loving school for the first time, by the way. She loves her teachers, she loves her classes. She was amazed that she was actually being treated like an adult.
10th grade!
 Brooke and Jade's YW leaders brought over these cute painted apples to wish them luck on their first day. So sweet.
8th grade!
 Ryker's first day of 5th grade. 
 Walking TK and Ryker to the bus on their first day. So nervous for my baby. He's going to be gone ALL day. They put him in all day kindergarten, I am going to be free a whole year earlier than expected...what shall I do???
 He was so excited to ride the bus. 
 And he's on...bye my baby boy. :(