Saturday, October 18, 2014

Patty's B-day

We got together to celebrate Patty's b-day in SLC. We ate on the patio at this Italian restaurant, it was pretty outside, loved the ivy on the walls. I got some vegetarian meatballs, asparagus and polenta. We opened presents and then went to a movie (Begin Again), Julie's boyfriend, Adam Levine was starring in it. I really liked it. Poor Mom though, As it was starting I whispered, did anyone think to check the rating? Of course we hadn't and of course it was R. I was like, we are probably okay if all they do is drop a few F bombs but the second somebody gets naked Mom is going to figure out she's in a rated R movie. Luckily all it was, was language, and she didn't notice. Shhhh, nobody tell her.