My first time getting jury duty. I was kind of excited. I thought it would be fun. Jade took a picture of me on my way out in the morning.
Me being silly
Well, it was really interesting to see how the jury selection process all worked. It was surprising that three of the jurors who had previously served on jury's were on murder trials. We also had to state our level of schooling, occupations and our husbands occupations and collectively, it was an insanely educated group. I felt a little bad about myself afterwards. It was hours of a lot of questions. The case was against the Department Of The Interior so one of the questions was do you have any bias good or bad towards any department of the government, I had to answer yes. I told them that I was not a fan of the USDA or The FDA. They called a few jurors into a back room to have them elaborate on their answers. I was one of them. It was kind of nerve racking to be sitting at a table with like 6 lawyers and a judge all staring at you and asking you questions. I had to explain my disdain for these organizations. One of the lawyers asked me if my views on food extended to water and I said absolutely.Well the Department Of The Interior is responsible for the management and conservation of most federal land and natural resources. Water being a natural resource and me having problems with the way water is being managed didn't make me a good juror for the defendant, so I was not selected. I did get paid for my time though. Kind of a fun experience.
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