Friday, October 17, 2014

4th Of July 2014

Organizing the neighborhood 4th of July Celebration.
The loot.
 Some of the sidewalk chalk art.
 The Bike Parade
 Barker's brought an amazing old car that he restored.
 Lightning McQueen

Brooklynn's friend Preston came and helped us with the parade.
I thought the flag ceremony was exceptionally good this year. We had Rick on The American flag, Gustavo on the state flag (which we had bow to the American flag), Ryker and Cyrus on the swords and Layton and Kenyon on the ends. The boys practiced several times before hand, and I think they looked pretty sharp. Steph sang the national anthem again and we did the Ragged Old Flag intro as usual.
 Evening celebration at Lynn and Russ's
Russ loving his new cousin, Billiam.
We invited my mom to both the neighborhood celebration and Lynn and Russell's.