Everyone makes mistakes when it comes to lyrics. Some of the ones I've heard are
Alanis Morisettes, You Oughtta Know: "of the cross I'd bear that you gave to me"
Some people thing she was given a cross-eyed bear, ha ha!
Or Santana's Smooth: "Man, it's a hot one, like seven inches from the mid-day sun"...man it's a hot one like seven midgets in the mid-day sun. Or Nirvana's, Smells Like Teen Spirit; "Here we are now entertain us" being heard as, here we are now in containers. Anyway you get the idea. Well one day I was singing Taylor Swift Picture to burn and Ryker started singing with me and he was saying, "you're just another picture of Ferb" I said, "what's a ferb, that's not even a word?" He said, "Yes it is, Ferb, as in, Phineus and Ferb." OK, Taylor Swift through a child's eyes, he doesn't understand a woman scorned wanting to burn a picture of her ex-love, but he does understand someone wanting to burn a picture of that little trouble making misunderstood animated boy Ferb.
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