Thursday, August 5, 2010


I don't think I have ever in my 33 years seen hail this big. The stones were the size of marbles, and they were coming down hard and heavy!

Ryker was so excited by the hail, he went out and filled these cups and this Fritos bag full of the hailstones.
I asked him what he thought he was going to do with them and he said he wanted to keep them.
I told him they would melt but he did not want to give them up.
Once he dropped them all over my carpet I was over how much he wanted to keep them and I insisted he get rid of them.
Teek loved eating the stray ones off the floor.


Brittanny said...

ummm...that hail is crazy. Maybe the end of the world is coming? I wish...because then I can finally just quit on my diet. darn. I sure miss you guys...I thought I was going to get to see you at Todd's I guess I am just going to have to come down there! next sunday sound ok? :)