Monday, August 2, 2010

Camp Caravan

Shaunna's car - Taylar, Kaylee, Mariah, Mary, Arika and Hailey

Merisa's car - Me, Chevaus, Cydnee and Kater

Suzy's car -Suzy and Kenya

So I was riding shotgun with Merisa, and we were following this car and just shootin the breeze, it wasn't til we got to Spanish Fork, that we realized Shaunna wasn't in front of us any more. I called her and asked what exit we get off of. She said, " where are you?" I said, "Near Spanish Fork", she was like, "Duh, you were suppose to get off clear back at 8th North in Orem and go through the canyon to Heber....ugh we totally knew that, we did go to camp last year. Guess that's what you get when you put Gabby Golding in a car with Dialectic Debbie!